Find Your Voice with Qigong and Essential Oils...ME TIME! Saturday 10/8

Find Your Voice with Qigong and Essential Oils...ME TIME! Saturday 10/8

Do you feel like you use your voice and express your feelings? Or do your comments stay mostly in your thoughts? This edition of Me Time will help you find your voice and allow you get out all those unsaid feelings with the healing power of sound. When we use our bodies to create sound, a vibration surges through our body and becomes an internal healing device, sweeping through the depths of our being. We will practice Six Sounds Healing, an ancient healing Qigong practice that will help process and heal those negative emotions that linger inside. It shakes up the sadness, anger, fear, worry and overthinking that makes our energy leak. The sounds will clear anything that has been built up or repressed for years and years. We will also enjoy the incredible healing effects of Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils along with question asking to help you dig in to the root and source of what made you lose your voice. If you are ready to become a truer version of your self, but have past stuff to deal with, this class will allow you to process the past and shake it out with the healing power of sound! This class will help you be brave, give you permission to speak up from your heart and will equip you with the confidence you will need to express your soul!

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